Escaping into nature and love

Today I am releasing the live off the floor performance I did for the Songs4Nature show last month.  I wanted to share my new song “Waiting by the Shore” with everyone (rather than limiting it to the people who could make that show - one benefit of digital shows).  If you’re interested, it’s on this thing I recently heard of called YouTube.  Wait, does 13 or so years count as recent?

Anyway, I’m really excited to share this song with you, as it’s one I’ve been continually working away at for a while.  I got the initial idea in February last year, but this year is when it really came together.  I even made some significant edits shortly before the show in August - the song was so hot off the press for that performance, I was happy to be able to get through the current version without reverting to the previous one.  I say current because just as the song changed this past summer, there is no guarantee it won’t change more in the future.  Songwriting is such a fluid art form and songs can change over time, particularly prior to hopping into the studio and releasing the resulting mastered recording.  That being said, I’m thrilled to share this performance of the latest version of “Waiting by the Shore” with the world.  (I doubt everyone in the world will watch it, so technically I’m sharing the song with whoever wants to watch it.  No need to worry, I do have realistic expectations; I know this won’t get Taylor Swift level views on YouTube, her audience is a just touch bigger than mine.)

Fun Fact: The first line of the song is the first line I wrote.  In fact, the lyrics of the first verse have remained unchanged since the first day I wrote them.

Wishing you health, safety and happiness.


P.S. It’s possible the title of this blog post makes no sense unless you listen to the song.  Feel free to let me know.  (Having written the song, I happen to have heard it before, so it’s hard for me to be the judge on this one.)

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